Why so many people hate Claudia and Viren but love Aaravos ?

I don’t see anything similar so I am just gonna say that my theory is as simple as the fact that, while Claudia and Viren have some twisted good, they seek to do good or to help people as they believe, which is why you might have thought that a lot of people dislike the characters(which is also untrue as it appears in the replies, but it may seem that way) and forgive me for my terrible wording my thoughts are escaping me, but when you have a character that has a good heart, when they do something bad it feels off when they appear on the bad side it also appears wrong, while when you have a truly evil character like Aaravos who only seeks to play chess game to win everything for himself, it is easy to like him not because of his morals or anything, but because he looks cool sounds cool and does cool stuff, there isn’t that moral fight as the character is way beyond the point of recovery and was never shown to be good. That’s the reason in fact (beside their looks) that I see so many villians loved. TLDR: The stability of pure evil can be seen as cool and awesome, but the one who is morally good, but has tainted perception may seem to be disliked

/r/TheDragonPrince Thread