I see so many Plexus posts in Facebook, it drives me crazy. Apparently one of my Facebook friends is in the same boat. He started an argument with a Plexus ambassador

I work in the hospital’s lab doing lab testing. Majority of our courses are sciences. We don’t see patients at the bedside unless we do phlebotomy, which most lab techs don’t. If someone comes to me about nursing issues, I don’t pretend to know anything about what they do on their end. If someone tries to talk physical chemistry to me, ya not me. I’m trained and educated to do the job I do. I find it frustrating to see nurses to use their position to further their agenda. I don’t think science-based research and complicated science is heavy in their degree. They are more focused on caring for humans. As it should be.

And you mentioned the STEM circle-jerk, but what about the nurses circle-jerk? I see that way more than STEM.

/r/antiMLM Thread Parent Link - imgur.com