I see so many stories that start with "english isn't my first language..."

i work in a call center for a telco company in US. dealing with CBs is something I do everyday. American CBs are hard to deal with because their attitude roots from entitlement. They just couldn't take NO for an answer. Most CBs are calling in to waive fees from their bill as a "one time courtesy" even though it has been done for them in the past. if you try and explain how the one time courtesy works, they'll hung up and call the hotline again hoping that the next rep is stupid enough to give them want they want without even checking the customer's billing history. (this can happen especially if the next rep is new, or if the customer spits a story of how rude the last rep was and to compensate, we need to adjust their bill.)

Also, the problem with these people is their requests never end. give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

I might post some of my favorite transactions when i get home.

/r/entitledparents Thread