Why do so many of us work jobs we hate? Modern life and happiness - are they opposing forces?

Look, there's no need to debate point for point anymore. The system you are advocating seems horrible, and the only justification you seem to have for said system is a delusional idea about what corporate life is actually like. I assume you have never held any position of even remote power, because if you had you would never put forward ideas so incredibly silly.

Respond to the following problems with your ideas:

1) Your ideas have no respect for private property. What if I buy a house and plan to renovate it and sell it to pay for my wife's cancer? You propose someone can just fucking take it, for no reason? There is absolutely no way to implement this anarchy you propose while having any respect for private property whatsoever. You simply cannot have considered the consequences of what you propose. Under your rule anyone could have their possessions and space taken at any time.

If you do not agree with this, then you need to explain how in the world your propositions are in line with private property rights.

2) You need to explain why removing work incentives will lead to people working harder.

3) You claim that both "The working class is absolutely necessary and the bedrock of progress and civilization," and "We could eliminate all jobs people don't like with no problem." First of all, this is a blatant contradiction. Second of all, you cannot justify either claim. Robots will take over low-skill jobs in the near future. We will need people for medium-skilled jobs. You need to explain a ludicrous statement like "no one will ever need to do a job they don't like," as though it's as easy as snapping your fingers.

4) You need to explain how any system could possibly work without currency. "The workers decide" is not an answer. Anyone who took 10 seconds to think about that would realize it leads to absolute barbarism, and horrific outcomes. A barter system is simply superior. How is this "gift economy" superior to a barter system?

5) If you are proposing a governmental system of wealth distribution, what is to stop it from being corrupted? If there isn't any, how is this different than anarchy?

I'm sorry but nothing you've said is even slightly persuasive. If your policies were implemented it would lead to the total collapse and end of civilized society.

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