A map of Syrian Kurdistan, according to KDP spokesman Nouri Bremo.

I consider myself Chaldean but also Iraqi and Iraqi Arab, but you see my folks are from Baghdad and are pretty standard Baghdadis. Even though my mom knows Sureth as do many of my other relatives, I've almost never heard it. Always Arabic, from the Christians and from the Muslims I've heard. For the chaldos i know Arabic is what they grew up mostly with anyways.

The villagers and people from smaller towns are different as there isn't that overwhelming Iraqi Arabic culture of the bigger cities, and the athooriyeen tend to be more ethnic, so to speak. Also, I've only been to a few masses at a Chaldean church since there isn't really one near me, and cturay speaking I'm more familiar with the Baghdad way of things than the specifics of Chaldean culture. Of course there are many things we know and do that are unique to us that I grew up with, but seriously, you don't live in a capital city of a country and mainly deal with all the sorts of people there and be purely Chaldean and that's kind of my background.

Also, Arabic is more of a linguistic term than an ethnic one in my opinion. I know Arabic. I don't know any Sureth. I know a lot about the Baghdad way of things. I don't know shit about Tel Keif or Alqosh. I know an entire history of Iraw as a nation, but less so of any particular ethnicity, inckuding ethnic Assyrians. I know the Chaldean customs and traditions I guess, but also those of Iraqi Arabs cuz Baghdad. Chaldeans tend to use lots more spices so that's IMO the best thing. Lots of good curry too.

Anyways, let me also put it this way. For the most part I didn't grow up around Chaldeans and I pretty much didn't know anything. Could barely tell you what Iraq was until I was 15ish. Where you grow up makes a world of difference and considering almost all the Iraqis I know are from Baghdad then regardless of whether arabi or chaldo they're going to be decently "arabized" just because of the mainstream Baghdad culture.

/r/syriancivilwar Thread Link - pbs.twimg.com