Maple Memo Regarding Cubic Chaos and etc

I've struggled for twelve hours to figure out what in the hell this comment says. It's not you, I don't think, but more that half of your comment is nexon's logic for doing stupid shit and, as such, makes not a lick of sense.

The most likely case is they either did, in fact, fuck up and blindly copypaste kms drop rates over modified(better than kms) gms drop rates. Same way they nerfed the drop rate of those easter egg potions one year, so you wouldn't have your use tab be crammed full of them in the span of a single hour, then the next year it ran the drop rate was right back to being bullshit.

And as is the norm for nexon, rather than admit they fucked up and seek to un-fuck themselves, they double down and pull the most ridiculous shit out of their asses.

/r/Maplestory Thread Parent