March Recruiter Thread

So here's the thing about half a year ago I went into MEPS where I was medically disqualified for dental issues (8 carious teeth). I fixed those issues and was approved to go back, except I also failed the Depth Perception exam (I did the first two easy enough but I didn't realize I was supposed to clean the machine myself and it was rather blurry because of it so the rest was rather difficult, out of the 30 people that did it none got past D before being told to stop).

Now I'm being told that I can't choose my MOS before going back to MEPS because of it and my recruiter says they do not intend to give me a retest for the depth perception exam.

Is there any way I can get a test in a military run hospital or even really a retest? My recruiter was making it sound like there was no chance of such a thing happen.

/r/army Thread