So, Mariah Carrie pretty much just noped out of her performance on New Years Rockin' Eve.

I'm not judging. I'm a live and let live type. You want to spend your free time writing my highly sexual little pony fanfic go ahead, you not hurting anyone, and I may think you're weird, but that's totally just my opinion, and I probably like shit that others find weird. So live and let live.

The Kardashians are a bit different though. They have (sadly imo) become akin to American royality... Unlike actors, musicians, fucking YouTube channels, most everyone else really- they have been able to sustain being famous simply for being famous. They offer nothing of value- they're only motivation for getting up in the morning is conspicuous consumption. I've never heard of a case of a single member of that clan doing something to help or benefit others that's wasn't also shameless self promotion.

My gripe is that by celebrating them we're basically celebrating the parody stereotypical American the rest of the world thinks of when they make fun of us. I guess I just don't get glamorizing being stupid and vapid, producing nothing, and living a life of spectacular lesiure totally unearned.

I know this borders on a /r/iamverysmart rant but seriously. It doesn't bother me at all they exist or even that they're successful. It just blows me away they became such a cultural phenomena when theyre not saying anything outside of consume and be pretty. To me that's so dehumanizing and depressing. At least like the fucking duck dynasty idiots represent a world view, no matter how shitty it's at least still an ethos...

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