Marijuana growers fear a takeover by Big Alcohol and Big Tobacco. Be proactive in fighting this! Write to your congresspeople!!

Part 1


Part 20




I got hold of some very good hash, pure pollen, and everything that follows for this day is me high on it. I also haven't smoked in a few days before this. I'll speculate wildly and state untrue things as if they are fact; this is more my "note taking" style, the stuff I'd type into my phone during the day as I'm putting the pieces together. I end up with something new which includes new understanding but I see the speculation for what it is; a sort of guesswork where you throw your ideas in the air and see what instinctually sticks based on your theoretical knowledge and self-understanding. But today felt particularly productive, which might be connected to the DMT trip.


Quantum computers are an interesting thing. You take a few atoms, entangle them in a certain way, and you can perform calculations which seem to have infinite creativity. They can perform certain types of calculations nearly instantly that no classical computer could do in the age of the universe. How you interpret this depends on your interpretation of quantum physics. I believe in the Many Worlds interpretation, so I see it as a calculation which is performed across all possible states spread over the multiverse. Those states wouldn't be spread in a spatial way like we imagine it. It would be a continuous spread in infinite-dimensional configuration space. I believe that all of reality is represented fundamentally in the form of a fractal, perhaps one of zero dimensions (undefined according to any dimensional environment, but theoretically not disprovable or observable to itself), and it might include all fractals. It would be a fractal which weaves the complexity of configuration space, and provides the universe with statistical "next option" states. Or rather a complex spread of a continuum of next options, creating a real probability amplitude from a complex number equation (a complex number contains both real and imaginary parts).


[Part 22](link)

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