Marijuana legalization is leading in every state where it’s on the ballot this November

waves "Hi" from Georgia

Some of our fun sin-laws (admittedly, most of these aren't unique to GA):

  • Beer over 15% ABV is illegal to sell in Georgia. The thought process is that children will get ahold of it and kill themselves from drinking too much. Never mind that 40% ABV Vodka and Whiskey is perfectly fine. And never mind that no kid is gonna try to buy 16% ABV beer, because they could buy 40% ABV vodka for even less money... Oh, and until a few years ago, the cap was around 6%.

  • Breweries cannot sell their own beer to customers. They must sell it first to a distributor, and that distributor must then sell it to a store...and that store can then sell it to a customer. Theoretically, if a brewery wanted to sell beer directly to a customer, they'd have to sell it first to a distributor, then buy it back from the distributor for a mark-up, and then sell it to the customer. But that's irrelevant, since they're prohibited from doing so. Some areas within the state are starting to make allowances for breweries in this regard, but it's still limited.

  • Grocery stores can sell beer and wine. But they're prohibited from selling liquor. I can't think of any consumer-oriented reasno for this practice. It's either an old sin-law holdover, or some business conglomerate (liquor stores maybe?) working the law to their financial advantage.

  • Until 2011, it was illegal to sell alcohol in Georgia.

  • Even today, it is illegal to sell alcohol before noon on Sundays. Now one might say "Why do you need to buy a drink before noon on a Sunday?" Uh, I don't need to - just like I don't need to buy a drink any time, any day. But I may want to, and what's it matter to the government whether I do it on a Sunday or a Wednesday?

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