Marijuana as a youth & in a spiritual perspective

A purist would say that any adulteration of the mind is counter productive to your spiritual being, and I would have to agree(save for my addictive tendencies). However, there are varying degrees of stimulants wether chemical or natural that can be beneficial, such as psychedelics which can expand your mind, or even alcohol which allows you to be more confident, IE.

The issue no matter the substance, no matter the act, no matter the intake is about wether or not they're insatiable as well as sustainable.

I'm 34. I've done it all. E, Coke, Weed, Meth, LCD, Shroom, K, you name it........ No matter, as they all but bring temporarily happiness and clarity but never long lasting. The only lasting effects are mostly negative.

Smoking Chronic only brings on Chronic(pun intended) laziness. Try smoking or drinking before doing a chore or errand, you'll likely not want to do it. The substance in which you sought benefits from now becomes a detriment(and it will become so over time as it's unsustainable). Ask any 30+ year old. They'll tell you that going to work after a hang over is no easy task unlike they're younger years.

At this age, I've found myself finding solace through exercise, mainly martial arts. The high and clarity, and by the way confidence you get from feeling healthy are far more sustainable than smoking a joint or doing can ever provide. After all, mostly all similar chemicals are released in the brain.

PS: This is coming from a person that has a medical MJ card and occasionally do recreational drugs.

Tbh: The way in which you're speaking about weed illustrates attachment, which is never good, again going back to suitability and satiability.

/r/spirituality Thread