Marijuana's effects on young brains diminish 72 hours after use, research says. Findings could be an indication that some of the negative cognitive effects found in previous studies may be due to the residual effects of cannabis or potentially from withdrawal effects in heavy cannabis users.

Yes and currently experiencing them. I have a hard time staying focused, zero urge whatsoever to eat (been three days since a full meal) almost to a level where you could put a $100 steak in front of me right now and I would not want to eat it. This usually lets up after day three. I also have a ridiculously difficult time falling asleep and am guaranteed to wake up early when I do. THEN THE DREAMS COME BACK! Dude, when you're a regular user and quit for a little while, the dreams can honestly be the worst side effect- especially if you're stressed and your stress manifests itself into nightmares.

Shall we compare these side effects to the ones I experienced when I quit prescription antidepressants cold turkey? Can't. Because I don't remember it all... What I do remember is really embarrassing and scary. We'll boil it down to craziness ensued.

I might be starving and sleep deprived right now, but I'm not losing my mind... Anecdotal, but that's what I'm currently going through. I'll be a pothead forever before I ever take another antidepressant, though.

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