Mario 3d all stars available for a LIMITED time until March 2021

Honestly, I don’t even see the point or advantage for Nintendo in limiting it...

Short term wise, everybody who wanted this Collection would’ve bought it before march either way, so I doubt it really drives sales in the short term, maybe 5% at most.

And in the long term I also see no real benefit for Nintendo, as people wanting to get it after March won’t have the ability to buy it from Nintendo.

The ONLY thing I can see, where it makes a little bit of sense for Nintendo, would be if they plan on either having the games on the eShop separately after March OR of they wanted to bring N64 games to NSO.

Otherwise I literally only see disadvantages for both Nintendo and the customers, so I won’t even call this "scummy“ at this point, because I can’t even see a real business advantage in it...

Plain weird is what it is!

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