Mark my words, this is how EA ruin SW:Battlefront.

Because people are taking this highly vulgar approach to "DAE hate EA?!" anytime DLC is brought up. There's not even gameplay footage yet people are mad a game mode that shares basically no assets with the rest of the game, and would require an insane amount of development time for barely any gain, is cut. You can't compare previous games to new AAA titles and be mad a feature is cut because they have to keep everything "pretty" for everyone. Years ago you could relaunch a game with barely any updates to graphics, re-use half your assets and add a few 150 poly models and resell it as a sequel and this subreddit would've eaten it up.

These days you get 4-5 new maps, 8 guns, 4 new vehicles, and a game mode for $15 and its the end of the world and the sky is falling.

I don't "love" DLC, I love my game's lifetimes being extended far beyond the first week of play. I enjoy getting a pack of content every 6 months for a measly $15 and getting to play with friends again and resparking my interest in a title. The same people here whining about DLC are the ones who feed into Blizzard's $15 a month for WoW and $50 expansions that kick out a dungeon every 3-4 months at absolute best.

Its the hypocrisy that gets me. EA is the foe, I hate EA, I always have, but I don't hate DICE, and I don't hate what DICE has made. I hate the fact everyone feels the incessant need to consider everything DICE touches the devil because of their development style.

I'm totally fine with them spending all of their development time making a relevant, solid, core Battlefront game without space battles then adding it for $15, a measly one month subscription to any MMO, to give me an entire new game mode with new vehicles, weapons, maps, and more that will respark my interest 6 months down the line.

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