Markandey Katju's views on proposed Nation wide ban on beef (which I am afraid is very close to reality)

Yes. It's a dogmatic claim to have the right to consume beef. You have no right to slaughter animals, and eat meat. That's just not a right. You have a reasonable expectation to have your nutrient, and nourishment requirements met, but anything beyond that is only a luxury at best, and in this case it's not even an ethical luxury as your fulfilling your pleasure at the expense of two persons 1. the animal, and 2. the environment. The exploitation of either one is a gross overreach, and an unethical use of power, and effects not just those persons, but also other persons that are dependent on them.

The environment provides for humanity to exist. Having the ability to take advantage of that is not an ethical argument. God has not given us dominion over this earth just because we have the power to do so, does not mean that we should, like Christianity claims. We exist as an outgrowth of this planet earth dependent on its ecosystem, and not as a distinct organism that has full power to subjugate this planet, even though we have the power to do so. Just because the State has more power than individuals does not mean that the State can ethically enslave its people. That would be a gross overreach of its powers. Similarly humanity faces gross overreach of its powers.

If we do not provide Animals their rights, and continue to exploit the environment the entire planet will die within our life time. We will face wars over petty resources, and murder for drops of water. This must stop, or nature will take actions to preserve itself, and that invariably means that Humanity will have to down size, and face dire consequences as all Ecosystems, and life support systems on the planet Earth are declining.

Meat is simply just not a necessary part of diet, and can be supplemented with various other forms of nutrients that nourish, and fulfill the requirements to sustain the human body. The only reason to eat meat is for pleasure. That is it. That was also the justification for Imperialism, because all the Europeans wanted was mere resources, and for that companies like the Dutch East India Company carried genocide, and ethnic cleansing for mere Nutmeg. To continue on the same path of fulfilling petty luxurious at the expense of others fundamentally will lead to our own extinction as a species.

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