Marriage advice and prayers

Hey! I think it's pretty normal around the 2 year mark to feel like that. I mean neither of you are exactly who you were at the start of the marriage, but life happens and things change a bit (or a lot), then you don't really know what to do moving forward. Don't worry though, this is a stage everyone works though and I believe fully that you both are on your way to growing closer together and finding more of a spark than you had even in the beginning.

Have I got a sermon series for you :P
Transformation Church's pastor Micheal Todd has an entire series here called "Relationship Goals" and it addresses basically everything in both an upbeat and biblically-sound way. There's everything from maintaining your singleness, intentional dating, intimacy, marriage, you name it. Even the whole feeling like roommates thing, because sometimes it gets a bit too comfortable. There were people in the comment section talking about how it stopped them from submitting their divorce papers and both were excited to finally try again.

If nothing else, I think it could be helpful for both of you to sit in your own spaces and write about what you miss, what you want and what you need from the relationship. Then bring those things together in a conversation where both of you can feel heard. It's one thing when it all boils over and everyone's freaking out because they feel like they aren't being understood, but it's hard to really remember exactly what was really the heart of the issue or be able to make a plan together to be able to give each other what they need.

There's a test you guys can take online called the 5 Love Languages which can help you both communicate how you both need to receive love. The 5 are Quality Time, Words of Affection, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. It might help you both communicate what you're both feeling like is missing.

Pastor Todd also explained what he believes to be the real progression of relationship "Singleness, Intentional Dating, Engagement, Marriage, Love, and Children (or the fruit of them as a couple)". The reason why he put love after marriage is because it's nearly impossible to truly live out that 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 kind of love. It does take time to be able to grow into that, but that's okay. He also says, it doesn't just stop at one cycle, both parties have a responsibility to go back to the start and start that whole process over. It's important to not lose yourself or give up your own calling.

I hope I didn't overstep with everything I wrote here! I do have complete faith in you both and you're still at the start of an amazing journey together <3 Regardless of how things look now, if you're both pursuing God, I believe He's still trading beauty for ashes. Big love and hugs to you both, I pray things will improve with family and work too!

/r/Christianity Thread