Marriage, dating and relationships. Not for me!

Nobody ever asks me about my relationships. I don't care what people do or do not. If they talk about either path they take, I'm just like 'cool'

I just know I want to get married and have kids, known that for a long time. but then i see comic like this and well I just feel attacked for wanting to do something I decided when I was in high school and a decision I've approved since then.

Marriage / dating are two things that seem totally unnecessary and a waste of time to me.

That just makes me feel like shit for putting myself out there. Its like insulting a passion of mine. I keep any opinions of this to myself. Having a relationship or not having has its own benefits and issues. There is no correct choice, in relationships, as far as life is concerned. Its like seeing memes about having more money without kids, its not funny anymore. I don't make memes or jokes criticizing the other sides decision.

I'm happy with my dogs

cool man, cool

All all this shit just stings more when I literally got 'dumped' not even an hour ago.

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