Married 1 week and put on solitary.

I generally dislike NCOs because they're frequently used as a power tool in the belt of angry and manipulative vexatious litigators, but this is one of those rare cases where issuing one would be appropriate and the ramifications of having one against you exactly right.

NCOs severely restrict the lives of the people they're issued against, in most cases, if you even accidentally come into the territory to the person you're being restrained from (and this includes if they willfully seek you out, or if a third party serves as communication bridge whether explicitly or incidentally), you are in violation and contempt, and can be put away... and that violation used as evidence that a larger, more permanent order is needed to protect the orderee.

I mean, there are cases of men falsely accused and later cleared of charges who had a temporary NCO issued against them, whereupon the woman in the equation willfully sought him out and used that intentionally-initiated contact as just cause to get him a criminal record, prison sentence, and permanent NCO (even after the original charges that justified the temporary NCO are dropped) and here we have that rare, actual, clear-cut case of abuse that merits an NCO to be issued.

Let her laugh at him for having the courts protect him... as long as she does it from more than the court ordered number of meters away, and without being in range of his hearing, whether personally or secondhand through any of their remaining mutual friends.

Let her slip up, even once, "Hey Adam, don't tell Bob that I think...", "Hey Bob, Adam here, so Claire made contact with me and said..." and then she can laugh to her heart's content inside a small cell with a pisspot in the corner and louse-ridden bunkbed against the wall while waiting for her court date.

Hell, maybe she'll enjoy laughing frequently enough that they upgrade her to the luxurious padded room.

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