Married or dating people! What's the silliest thing you have gotten into an argument with your significant other about? How intense did it get?

If he walks into the house and he’s hot from outside/walking, he gets irrationally annoyed if I’m wearing more clothing than he deems necessary for his own body temperature.

Also, goat cheese. He’s always hated it cuz he threw up 20 years ago after drinking, and had eaten goat cheese that night so he refuses to eat it since. Once we were arguing about something, it cooled off, and hours later in the middle of the night (he was asleep) I started texting about his aversion to the stuff for him to read in the morning. I wasn’t drunk. I wasn’t pissed off. Literally a rational personality profile as to what this whole “goat cheese bullshit” was about on so many levels.

/r/AskReddit Thread