Married people with a stay at home wife, does it get old?

I left a great career that required multiple graduate degrees to be a homemaker over 11 years ago. I saw many SAHMs be bored, lonely, and unfulfilled especially when their kids were going to school. At that point, I read the book Radical Homemakers and realized that I'm not home to watch my kids. I am home to build a home for my family and to contribute to my community in a way that is about producing, not consuming and creating a life oriented around the community, local food, and activism. People always tell me that I'm a SAHM, and I correct them. My career is as a homemaker. Not only do I take it seriously, but I try to do professional development and improve and increase what I'm able to do for my family and for the community. I find fulfillment in my volunteer activities, my local food practices (and sharing my knowledge), my ability to help my aging family members, as well as the healthy food, stability, and slow pace of life I can give to my husband and kids.

That is some of the fulfillment that is possible if you find good reasons to be a homemaker that motivate you. But it is also completely valid to feel like the best use of your one life is working in another career. I hope that you find fulfillment either way!

/r/Marriage Thread