Married redditors, Is it worth having a child in India if you're a middle class man?

I find parenthood worth, even with challenges but from an emotional stand point. From a financial stand point, for me, it's kind of ok at school age. Later on, money may be tight, no idea if savings are enough as of now(Me and hubby decided to have just one kid because of this).

How much money you need depends on many many things like what type of lifestyle you want to lead, what kind of school do you have in mind and other expenses like arts, sports, vacations. Consider their college expenses and depending on their preference how much do we need to save. Some people think of kid's wedding expenses!

Just note that having a healthy kid is what we all pray for but that's not a given. Unexpected stuff can come up. The child may be physically or mentally unwell, you should be willing to spend money and energy to take care to the best of your ability.

Think these over and you can come to a decision. Or, like most of us just jump on this ship and take each day as it comes.

/r/india Thread