Marriott refuses to evacuate guests from their Caribbean hotel despite No food, water and another hurricane coming shortly

It's my video. We made it to PR via a volunteer scuba boat last night. I'll tell you exactly what happened if you think it's not factual. And we were trying to get off the island long before the storm. We didn't decide to ride this out. Our flight was cancelled. So on the ground, after everyone from Marriott had boarded and we had waited in line behind them, we were told that we would be able to get on the boat so we moved up to the gate. And then we were told to wait a moment. Different people who worked for both Marriott and the dock were on radios inquiring about our boarding status. Then, from the other side of the fence, we are told no after being told yes. We are standing there begging. The Marriott representative indicates that the Port Authority is to blame. The Port Authority rep holds his hands up in protest and indicates that this decision has nothing to do with him. The government agents behind the gate do the same. The Marriott representatives go back and forth on the radio and tell us that it's the captain. The Port Authority denies this as well as he is also in communication with the captain. Women are sobbing and children are confused and there was a lot of back and forth until eventually we are told by Marriott that this is for their guests and we will not be allowed. They walk off. We are told that someone will come help us on the island. The Port workers shut off the lights. We can hear people on the other side of the fence laughing. We gather away from the fence. The hotel we stayed at during the hurricane is owned by a family in the island. They sped us to the ferry when they found out we might be able to evacuated and they waited for us to be denied. The Bunker Hill Hotel staff took us back in where they have no electricity, no running water, and limited supplies, but not before someone came out from behind the fence and told us that the Marriott employees on the boat called all the way up the chain to the CEO, and the CEO said "that it was too much of a liability." This was a direct quote from someone that came out to talk to us. He also said that we would all be taken to a shelter if we needed a place to stay. The shelters were falling apart and unsafe. Later that night we looked up the boat, the Ferrie Del Caribe, and discovered that it could hold 1800 passengers. So there it is. This video is mine and it is factual. Someone took it off my FB page and uploaded to YouTube. It has 76k views and 1.8k shares so far.

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