Marrying a witch

The witch a symbol of the negative feminine.

The psyche is made up of parts and wholes. Individual objects, facts and the parts, the intellectual side.

How we frame or interconnect them is the intuitive feminine side.

The wholes are usually represented by the feminine, parts are masculine.

The psyche is always seeking integration of the parts and the wholes. The facts and the overall meaning.

When the feminine is negative in the psyche then the dreams often contain imagery of the wholes consuming the parts.

Drugging or sapping the strength of the masculine is also a common symbol. Being under a spell is another symbol of the negative feminine.

Also you have symbols overlapping. It’s like categories cannot fit together or are confused which is also a symbol of the negative feminine.

There’s the marriage that breaks down (marriage is a symbol of the harmony of opposites). The witch is also a Christian (negative and good). Sex with different people (parts trying to integrate). Feeding someone but killing them (food is a symbol of integration, death or being poisoned means failed integration).

It’s like your unconscious psyche is having trouble connecting the whole and the parts, it’s like your unconscious psyche is a little confused or something like that.

/r/DreamInterpretation Thread