US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

I understand, man. I don't have PTSD, but I've had my share of depression and anxiety. Maybe that doesn't hold a candle to what you are going through, but I get it that it's tough (darn near impossible) to find the motivation to do what you need to do.

Depression sucks. I've had the dishes sit there, and I've thought the entire world was out to get me. Don't give up. I know that it sounds easy to say, but really think about it: giving up is easy. You're alive, and you've got a job, albeit a shitty one. You're young, and you have military experience. Hell, I would garner that you could get your foot in the door at places if only because you served in the military.

Maybe a good first step is simply writing a few things down. Don't actually do them yet - just write them down. That alone is an accomplishment. Here are some things to think about:

1) Go to a bank to speak to someone in charge of debt consolidation.

2) Write down what debt you have, and who you owe it to. The professional that you seek works at a local bank - or, if they don't, they will direct you to someone who knows what to do.

3) The bank WANTS to help you. They want to consolidate your debt into a long-term plan where, yes, the bank will make interest off of it. But, in the process, a loan officer or another bank professional will be able to tell you what debt is important to take care of first, what can wait, how you can alleviate some debt, and more information. It is possible that because your car was repo'd and because you make around $20k a year, you may qualify for certain benefits and protections that you might not be aware of.

This is especially true if you have medical debt. They are the most willing (in my experience) to help you. They often will cut debt down to a reasonable size because it's better for them to get something rather than nothing.

I don't know much about the VA or the benefits they provide, but it seems odd that they would not have resources available to help veterans who are going through what you are going through. You might want to try again, or even move to another state where you can work with a different VA office.

Good luck, man. Your post spoke to me because I've experienced some of what you have. I've been down the hole before and it SUCKS but it gets better. The professionals are out there, so when you feel ready, I'm certain that you will make some progress.

Good luck, brother. Thanks for serving our country.

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