Marvel Comics & Replacement Theory. Listen to this and you'll understand why we mods will not budge on free speech.

It does however seem the best and easiest way to change things. This is also how the USA and USSR did things during the Cold War, to an extent of course, but still happening today. Don't like a country? Incite civil unrest, replace the government with someone "more like you" and be the puppet master.

It might not be similar as a whole but get this. Changes are radical, wars are radical. They bring chaos, divide the fanbase/population, nobody likes war, death, destruction, chaos. However, slight changes from here and there, over the course of a long time (decades even for nations), this and that starts to change. "Oh, but this word is a little sexist could you change it please? I'm not talking about rewriting the story but could you rename her?" Stuff like that. Think about how our society has changed. I love Louis C.K.'s view on the word "faggot". He's like "dude i grew up with it", it didn't mean anything negatively or "gay", it was just "faggot". He called someone a faggot as the people were acting annoying or "faggy" then all of a sudden SJW's made it "offensive" and "homophobic".

A few years back this came to be more prevalent. "Why are all protagonists in games men?" Like really? Yup, they ignore Metroid and as i recall, nobody in the gaming community back then thought it was "wrong" for her to be a female protagonist, people just we'rent used to it and were like "omg!". But they've infiltrated the gaming community, act like they know shit or care, and start to push these bullshit propaganda crap making us all seem like "biggoted racists sexists psychopaths who love to murder people online". Hence the on every shooting in the US "Hey he played Counter-Strike, a game where you can be a terrorist!!! PSYCHOPATH!" Like really? The game's been around for more than a decade i don't see mass numbers or people committing mass murder. The same thing with Tomb Raider and the seudo-rape scene. The same backlash "every games loves this and is sexist and loves to rape women". The same with a Hitman trailer a few years back. There were nuns in leather suits shooting. "This is what horny teenage boys want, blablabla". I bet those same people didn't give two shits about you pulling someone's teeth in a torture-scene in GTA5, or how James Bond got his balls cracked in "Casino Royale", oh no that's not sexist.

I might /rant a little, i do that from time to time, but just think about how everything has changed.

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