Marvel Comics is Anti-White and Wants to Destroy their Target Demographic

I'm not saying that it wasn't an key idea in X-Men or that there weren't liberal messages... but it wasn't on 11 and it was still confined to certain books. I get that X-Men was about the Civil Rights movement. Spider-Man was about an everyman with super powers. Iron Man was about the military industrial complex. Dr. Strange was about hippie and early-New Age mysticism. The Hulk was about science run amok. Etc. I get that.

But they didn't take those themes and ram them down everyone's throats across the entire line in a concerted effort to become straight up propaganda. Hell, Spider-Man printed the anti-drug issue they couldn't even sell at a time when the Jews were pushing drugs and counter culture at every turn.

As for Magneto, for most of his history, Magneto was clearly portrayed as a villain for ironically preaching a supremacist and genocidal doctrine after he, himself, had been the victim of such a thing as a child. It was clear you were meant to sympathize with him, but see that he was wrong to put himself as being superior to others because no man was supposed to have that power. Yes, I get that's the first stage of the Jews' game, convincing people that no one is special and that we must all treat each other as equals even when we're not... but they never even tried to take it past that level. Now they've gotten to the "some animals are more equal than others" stage.

That's the thing: Stan Lee and others were conscious of arguing only for equality, not supremacy, even when the mutants they were writing about had godlike powers and really would fit the definition of a master race. Lee tried to balance it and keep pretty clear black and white distinctions, even though there was a liberal slant. I guess he realized that he was writing for an almost exclusively white adolescent audience and had to relate things to them, but he kept things respectful of whites even when there was a slant.

At this rate, the next big crossover will be Magneto heroically enslaving and exterminating the evil white race with the aid of Marvel's new diverse lineup as they fight fiends such as Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, etc.

All this talk of the politics in Marvel's golden days reminded me how, ironically enough, Steve Ditko was deeply conservative and would often draw heroes with deep disgust on their faces while they were supposed to be expressing their love and support for hippies and the liberal cause of the week as his way of undermining the messages. There were panels of Spiderman looking clearly annoyed and shaking his fists at crowds of protesters with bubbles adding dialogue like "I'm with you, kids!"

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