Marxist film theory

Not trying to defend or criticize Zizek...

You are aware Heidegger was literally in the nazi party, right?

Like, actually in the nazi party.

I've read two of Derridas books. Of grammatology and writing and difference. He talks about Heidegger for unrelated reasons almost half as much as he talks about Rousseau in grammatology and the book is literally about Rousseau.

I think he mentions heiddegar in literally every single essay in of grammatology.

Now, I have my own problems with Zizek. He self-plaigarizes as much as Noam Chomsky. A huge chunk of the end of sublime object of ideology, a part on Hegel, basically just takes up space and really doesn't add anything to the book outside of it's requirement to be there for spacing reasons.

Now, I don't know what Zizek said about Europe and refugees. I imagine it's something intentionally contrarian and half bullshit that I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume it's said intentionally to make a point to his target audience. Zizek isn't really performing for the right. Everything he says needs to be understood to be said from the standpoint that he's speaking specifically to the left and at the left.

But I really have to tell you... I mean, I have to ask you... What in the fuck does what Zizek said about Europe have to do with a Marxist film interpretation.

I mean, I've read a few Zizek books. I have my own problems with his books. But I don't know why what you're saying has anything at all to do with film interpretation.

You are aware that the only reason people landed on the moon was because amnesty was given to nazi weapons scientists, right? Was Nazi science any less scienceiy?

I don't know what Zizek said. I'm not condoning or condemning his behavior. I'm just pointing out that it's basically irrelevant to the question.

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