Mary was kicked out for loving Jake. Married for 65 years. Cheers for love!

Super Clusters, clines, and populations are how geneticists categorize different groups of people. Race is not a genetic term. this does not mean genetics does not exist. it simply means that race is cultural.

It's easily proven. There are three super clusters which can be determined based on facial features. Now, which cluster do you think Ethiopians belong to? Negroid or Caucasian?

It's caucasian. Ethiopians belong to the white race but everyone will say they're black simply because they have black skin color.

So what's the exact genetic determination for what race someone belongs to? What race is Obama? His parents are white and black respectively so is he white or is he black? Is race really just based on level of melanin? What's the exact amount of melanin that makes you black? If two parents have two children, but the two children fall on different sides of that amount, are they different races?

Race as a concept comes from a theological priest in the 1600s who thought you could objectively rank all creatures in a hierarchical list with god at the top, then white men, then "yellow", then "Red", then black, then the other animals in order. Evolutionary theory quickly debunked such a ridiculous concept, but the idea that there still existed different races stuck around.

The truth is you can create any number of races based solely on proximity of populations to one another. Otherwise a man born on the african side of the canal is black but the man born on the asian side is white or asian, despite belonging to populations which have been interbreeding for centuries or more.

The Balkan race for instance is made up of the Greeks and Turks and Albanians and Bulgarians, all of which have been marrying one another since the area was settled by the turks.

Or perhaps you have the southern race, which is made up of the Balkan races, as well as the Italians and Spanish and Berbers. Because they too have been intermarrying.

Or perhaps you have the west race, which is made up of Spanish and French and Berbers.

Honestly, I shouldn't need to even right this much information because its simply not how geneticists talk about populations. They're judged against one another based on proximity.

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