Mask mandates? I prefer vaccine mandates

Doesn't this sound like bullshit though? Wouldn't the selective pressure favor a more virulent strain when unvaccinated are going around masked up? If the unvaccinated are never going to get vaccinated I would think that -- from a mutation standpoint -- it would be best if they all got covid tomorrow and a month from now everyone has some kind of immunity.

Obviously that would be catastrophic for other reasons but it seems like slowing the spread and prolonging the amount of time it can spread amongst the unvaccinated is worse for the prospect of causing a mutation that escapes the vaccine.

Now it is true that vaccine hesitancy is raising the risk of mutation. Without the pool of unvaccinated there would be no risk. But wearing a mask isn't nearly as effective as a vaccine and one has to wonder if continuing to wear them isn't increasing the risk of creating a more virulent strain.

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