Massachusetts guidance for Fall reopening...

Honestly, these guidelines are crazy. It isn't the students who are harmed by this disease. Provide masks for teachers, tons of Purell for everyone to use when entering a class and people stay home if they are sick. If your child has a comorbidity issue, they need to stay home and get homeschooled. There are online programs the school system can pay to teach them. If a middle or high school teacher has a comorbidity issue, they should teach from home and an aid should be in the class to keep the kids in line. If they are an elementary teacher, they will need to be moved to another position if they feel the risk is too great.

As to kids taking the disease home to their families - that needs to be part of the discussion each family must have. But if there are no ill people at home, no elderly, then the kid should attend school.

What they are proposing is not feasible. The majority, if not all, of the school districts won't be able to afford this. Clearly the commissioner is a moron.

/r/Teachers Thread