Massive censorship of comments in /r/worldnews post on the success of profiling North Africans in Cologne on New Year's Eve

It's likely mostly about alternative views. You have to realize that there will always be multiple prevailing views on things, despite what you may believe to be the correct one. Those views may model reality equally well for people in some aspects, but they are models and are not reality in whole.

For example, we have some subs that basically are turning into daily posts on immigrant lawlessness. For a majority of the people who lurk those subs, immigration is a crisis of life or death and they don't understand why most everyone else in the world doesn't get it. In the US, you have similar reported lists of police brutality and killing, for people following that the crisis is life or death and they don't understand why the majority of the US doesn't get it.

As an abstraction, you can pick out any individual group and describe their lawlessness absent any other information and they will seem horrible. Imagine what a sub full of crimes committed by white male Germans would look like. Or a sub, of crimes committed by Spanish women...Indian atheists...North African's with short hair...Catholic Priests...US Presidents...etc.

A completely logical belief may still be sickening or contradictory when held up against other's beliefs.

By the way, profiling does work in all instances but at the cost of the innocent.

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