Mastercard Bans Automatic Billing After Free Trials - The credit card company now requires merchants to get a cardholder's approval, via text or email, at the end of a trial before they start billing.

I work for a company with an auto billing free trial. We clearly explain multiple times during sign up that this will happen, we even tell you what date the first charge will be. We then have multiple places you can effectively cancel in the software... Such as subscription & billing to directly cancel your plan... Or manage business and delete your business, does the same thing... Or go to my account and delete your account totally also does the same thing. All 3 cancel the sub at any time 24/7.

We STILL get retards popping up on chat asking why they have been charged... The average human population is dumb as fuck and we absolutely don't care about people so ignorant and incapable of reading things we spend a lot of time developing and thinking about.

I don't think what we do is unethical at all. If you are so ignorant to us for providing you a free month and information and multiple easy ways to cancel yet still forget then yes fuck you we will keep your money to fund our trials.

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