A mastered skill

Due to war, the world split open, forming rifts, and monsters have poured out of those rifts. Dangerous, powerful, and hostile. They begin to ravage the world around them, and survivors fight fact, trying to prevent their own demise.

But unbeknownst to them, until it was too late, a plague was brought with the creatures, transforming the people into a hive mind collective, bent on destroying their former comrades. Unfortunately, before a prevention to the plague could be discovered, the monsters and their slaves attacked full scale, wiping out the resistance.

Then, the chosen few emerged, hidden and safe from the war, finding this ravaged land, and vowing to rebuild. But they found the monsters, and the plague. Fortunately, thanks to the former people of the land, they were able to inoculate themselves against the plague, and are able to fight back against the monsters and their minions. However, undying eyes watch as these people fight against the monsters, and they work to try and recruit the chosen few into their ranks, bend them to their will, for their own selfish desires. For now, it does not matter to the chosen few, but slowly, and soon, they will be making choices that may well turn them against each other...

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