Masturbating in front of your partner is underrated

I might not get a great response to this but whatever, here goes. I have known my husband since we were 12 years old. He has always had a crush on me and I didn’t feel that way at first. We started booking up just casually when we got older and he was at the time (to me anyway) wayyyy over excited and would instantly start playing with himself as soon as it was out. Being young and naive I instantly was like he’s a pervert.... like all he wanted was sex...... awhile later we fell in love and things changed. I saw this as he can’t contain himself with how much he wants me. If I touched myself he would get even more excited. Now it’s just fucking sexy! I love teasing him and watching him squirm. For me it was the feelings and being comfortable with my own sexuality that really opened my eyes.

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