Matchmaking seems fair to me

True, but Lucio with his speed can come up behind/next to people at fairly close range and attack from there, and just like Reaper he blast them with aim the size of a cannon versus a tiny pingpong ball, also the fact that he spits out 4 shots at once means you sometimes are doomed to miss while other times you get some extra hits and deal lots of damage wich is always fun. And of course lets not forget the importance of learning to see the oportunity to push people of ledges, lot of Lucio players ignore this very important aspect of him, so he does need som experience to use in the right way, no denying that. Zenyatta it is true that he need some sort of aim, BUT when you point at people with him he get this marker around enemies as he can tag them with his orb, and it often makes his aiming a little easier (at least for me), I got top damage a couple times with him which makes the other dps cry, so "if I can do it, anyone (most people) can. My point was simply that they are easy to learn, but you must spend more time with them to master them. However there is no reason why people who struggle with aiming can feel comfortable with some of these characters and have a few backups whenever someone else grab their precious Mercy. I'm so happy that I'm not the kind of person who need to go "Can I have Mercy please!?", and if I see someone else ask me that, I go "Hell yea you can have Mercy, I got backups".

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