MaximumEffort443 does the Math on Republican hypocrisy.

News flash, those people aren't Christians after all. Like with all things in life there are those that will corrupt it for self preservation/gain.

You can clearly see a difference between legitimate Christians and ones that just pretend to be Christian as a way to maintain power of some kind. The legitimate ones keep religion out of politics because they actually read the entire Bible rather than just nitpick what best fits their current situation. Someone that actually follows the gospel will remember that it isn't their duty to judge, but rather the Lords

(Note: I am not saying this is scientifically or legitimate in terms of research or anything. I am for neither atheism nor religion, and would rather just stick with "Respect me, I'll respect you". I am just merely stating that the core message of the gospel is to live a Christian lifestyle [which includes accepting the teachings and belief in Jesus Christ] so that at the very end when the Lord judges them they'll be saved. Which is why I simply call those that abuse Christianity for selfish reasons out for who they really are. Just selfish assholes who ruin things for everybody. If you're religious or not, we should all respect each other because ones religion isn't a clear indicator for what type of person they are themselves.)

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