Maxine Waters is done with 'nice guy politics'

In late high school, I, white, had a black friend who I hung out with nearly all day every day for about half a year straight, and when we were hanging out we were pretty much always smoking weed. Now, of course, doing so where we live is illegal, so that is what got the attention of the cops on us first and foremost, but I want to stress that we were never doing anything but buying it for ourselves and sharing it, and again, I know this because we were constantly hanging out, he came along to every deal I made and vice-versa, and we spent our days innocently doing things that high high schoolers do like watching anime. In fact, between us, the only person you should really suspect from looks alone might have been deeper into the drug stuff would have been me, because whereas my friend just dressed like your average relatively social and well enough off high school guy, I had long hippie hair and scraggly beard neither of which were kept up nicely at the time, I looked like I never gave a fuck what I wore and was in sandals 24/7, and I pretty much just always acted high. So, at the end of that time period, we had attracted too much attention from the police by idiotically not really being hidden about our use (long story but I know this for sure from the police report) and the same cop ended up individually arresting both of us, first him then me, both times with drug paraphernalia as the charge. You know what happened? First, they tried to peg him as a drug dealer, and when they couldn't find the evidence, they tried to get me to be an informant on him. When I refused and the investigation never went anywhere in any other way, it was apparently just dropped as my old friend remains a free man to this day. At no point was my integrity questioned and in fact they seemed to see me more as someone who could be "saved" and recruited against this evil drug dealer and were disappointed when I wasn't, and the fact that I had spent every waking hour with this person who they were making out to be an extremely active and well-connected criminal for the entirety of their investigation didn't seem to phase them whatsoever. Now, I obviously can't claim to know what's going through peoples' heads, nor the full scope of a police investigation, but I've gotta say, that sure as hell always seemed pretty off to me.

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