I may be in the wrong place, but I really would like a hand understanding "cultural appropriation!"

Oof. Ok. So I've had a look at the top few posts, and maybe it's because I generally chat in such mild-mannered subreddits that I'm not used to this, but I'm feeling pretty intimidated!

To explain my concern (and this isn't a criticism, so much as an expression of my own psychological anxiety) with diving in, feet first, let me walk you through my introduction to /r/blackladies on cultural appropriation:

1: http://imgur.com/MolIqkC


2: http://imgur.com/8ZW10Lm

3: http://imgur.com/hh0EZkm

Okay! Interesting article, interesting video. I'd really like to discuss this. I'm not sure I completely understand the connection between the struggle of black people (due to skin color, hair style, etc.) and the cultural artifacts that are being appropriated (corn rows, and "jazz and blues"). Some of these artifacts, in particular, jazz, struck me as interesting examples, because, while the style of music undoubtedly stemmed from conflicts over racial issues, members of all races appropriately enjoy, appreciate, participate in, and create jazz music, and the music is appreciated regardless of the race of the musician or the audience! It's a strikingly beautiful portrait of colorblindness; all that matters is the music itself. (Isn't it? I'm not against the idea that I'm simply not seeing something sinister under the surface)

Okay! Let's see what the discussion is like:

4: http://imgur.com/bKJRaIn

the next few top level comments, and their children (of course!) are about the post in /r/TwoXChromosomes (yikes! it must be bad!)

4: http://imgur.com/BjWjS9T

Huh. I mean...I agree with that. I'm not entirely sure if it's exactly what the upset is all about, but now I'm sort of worried. Am I going to be labeled a bigot for thinking that it's wrong to tell white people they can't wear their hair an a way while telling black people it's a-ok? I want colorblindness in society (and not this sort of colorblindness. Obviously it's unfair that anyone has a better staring point than anyone else in life, and we should do what we can to remedy that. Anyone who says otherwise is just an asshat (And I'm the first to admit, I have a better starting point than most!).

Despite my reservations I'm going to dive in with both feet because I genuinely want to "get it," even if I'm begging to fear that maybe I can't and that I'll be reviled for it. [People are thinking that maybe even [non-buddists/hinis/jainists/etc] doing Yoga may be unacceptable? Are you kidding!? Yoga is good for you...who would wish that anyone should not do yoga? You'd have to be a jerk to wish someone didn't have access to a good thing like that... If that's really the position, and I hope it's not, then I don't think I ever can understand at least that position.).

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