Maybe it's the broke college student in me

So we should be applauding them because they're not forced to eat it? Is that how low the bar?

Isn't there a fallacy about pointing to another extreme when one is refuted? False dichotomy I think? Literally not saying we should applaud. Just that this doesn't warrant outrage, all things considered.

Instead of being ashamed that at an honorary white house dinner consisted of fast food? He could have gotten a number of things that are infinitly better. He could have hired actual chefs to grill up some burgers and make a few salads. I honestly can't imagine the mental gymnastics that occur in order to be okay with what went down and how it was handled. In the grand scheme of things it's just a dinner but it just further highlights this individuals ineptitude which is more alarming that fast food being served at the white house.

He could, yeah. Obama, Bush, every other president could have done much more extravagant things to honor college champions too. But honestly, isn't that kind of dumb? Especially during a shut down? I could see people slamming him saying he feeds football players over his own government employees. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If anything I would appreciate the gesture even if he is legitimately a traitor. If Obama did this I would love it. It would absolutely make him a lot more relatable to me. But that's just me and my preferences.

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