Maybe I fail in the world because I am not of the world. What you think?

te world is filled with retarded shits okay. i have to endure them. i don't need fucking humans around me. im abused my whole life i still have to endure the shitty thing that God created called humans. when have you seen a wolf kill a wolf?

when i become independent i will never ever go back to my homeland i'll flee to some abandoned place in a fucking mountaintop filled with snakes so no one comes near me.

so i can go to work - go shop supplies - and go back to the mountaintop and shoot a bunch of trees like the sturdiest hillbilly.

i don't want no gf's, firends, neighbours, anything between neither.

in fact i don't want anyone that i knew before to find me

i want to be so unfound that i get considered dead

while i'm finally walk like a free man on the land

i just want to be a recluse experiencing life in a 6 km3 of wood and talk to myself like a... man of isolation.

if i endure abuse that i have left to endure obviously.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread