Maybe I’m a little bitch

I get where you're at buddy. I've fought the same demons countless times. But one day, and I am serious when I say this, one day, you will find a small spark. And it wont be much at all. It'll leave as quickly as it came. But that spark will return and greet you kindly the next time around. Then it will stay and keep you company until its time to leave.

Invite that little light of joy. Let it be your friend. Because there is nothing better then setting your demons on fire and watching them melt into oblivion while you rage in a comical fury of pure fucking bliss.

Make those demons regret even stepping near you. Just fucking piss off all those goddamn sorry fucks. Let them eat shit. They wont miss you. Go suck on someone elses sap you shit eaters.

Sometimes you gotta kickstart the process. Make way for change. Emfuckingbrace the suck. Make it suck harder cause youre tougher than tough times I know that, buddy.

You got this.

/r/Vent Thread