Maybe Maybe Maybe

"Yesterday, after an insanely hard work week, I sat on the couch and watched TV all day. My boyfriend got home from working a 13 hour shift…
And then, instead of asking me what I wanted to do for dinner, he ordered dinner for delivery, went downstairs to get it, and then came up and gave me my favorite takeout meal without me having to ask.
It was.

Posted yesterday on 2XC. 17,5k upvotes. Last post I saw before going to bed. Two of the other most upvoted posts were women complaining about their moms. One other was about a girl getting into her dream college. You cherry pick and have decided that women on 2XC stigmatize and hate all men. No. They share traumatic experience, they talk about sources of stress, their encounters with misogyny and situations they don't know how to face. Because you know, it's their right, but also misogyny is something every woman has to deal with even if you chose to disregard it. You look at that sub, look at those testimonies and you have decided the comments were directed at you. There is nothing more to discuss, we are going around in circles. To me you are definitely a piece of shit. Thankfully not all men are like you. And that's why I don't hate all men. I just dislike you.

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