Maybe my boyfriend doesn’t find me sexually attractive anymore?

The common assumption in this sub is that if a guy is watching porn instead of having sex with his partner, he's a porn addict, he suffers from "death-grip", and it will lead to (or is responsible for) ED.

I don't recall seeing anyone in this sub every providing any credible research to support the opinions noted above. So I just wanted to suggest you remain skeptical about such claims.

From what I read today, for example, porn doesn't look like it contributes to ED.

From a 2019 study:

They analyzed porn watching and ED risk among a reasonably representative sample of 877 American men age 18 to 60. They surveyed the men’s erection capacities using standard validated scales, and also assessed their moral feelings and religious beliefs.

A few porn-watching men reported ED, but overall, there was no link between the two. The researchers found “no evidence that mere pornography use is associated with changes in erection function. Sexually active men who also consume pornography showed very high levels of erection function. ED was rare. Our findings run counter to the popular narrative suggesting that pornography is driving an epidemic of ED.

The title of the study can be found at the bottom of this page:

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