Or maybe people just like to see good movies?

I know I'm late but I read probably 20+ novels a month. I mostly like high fantasy or supernatural stuff. I'm honestly sick of female leads. It feels like in the last 3 or so years 70% of the books in that genre were written by progressives who just swapped out a male and called them female.

Imagine this book taking place in medieval times, only with dragons and shit. The amount of times wahmen are literally the strongest, both mentally and physically, at the magic academy, dragon academy, or just in general is too damn high.

I'm honestly sick of the BS. Give me a tomb raider or hunger games strong female lead. BELIEVABLE female leads where they are not stronger than every male in every way. Maybe I should stop reading the trash on kindle unlimited because that's where most of the 25-30 year old trash authors publish their works. lol

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