
"When were you taken advantage of and how?"

Honesty and sincerity aren't important. Entertainment value is. If you respect your partner enough to say you don't mind if they go meet up for lunch with an old male friend of theirs, it must mean you don't care about the person so they'll go sleep with that person. Only because you don't throw a fit and try to control them.

I spent my early years manipulating women into loving me. It only makes sense that when i'm being honest and real they won't understand me. So I can manipulate them and have whatever I want (except a real relationship). Or I can drop the manipulation and see how easy it is for them to want to start cheating.

My last girlfriend I had known since middle school. I expected more from her than the previous 20 i'd dated. She was just as bad. Same pattern. Same outcome. It makes a man lose interest in concepts like a "relationship". And then women wonder why they get fucked and lied to.

/r/INTP Thread Parent