McKenna and 'heroic' doses

As someone whose keyboard (and mind) is shifting and melting in front of them, I agree with the above and want to add on that not only is the term heroic a misrepresentation but a beauty/danger of psychedelics is that every trip is different. I grow my own, and thought that 200 wet grams of some beautiful yet skinny bastards (what most would put at 2-ish dried grams) would be a light snack with vibes, yet am struggling. Like a toddler rn. Though off the same growth i have done 5g and played vidya games like no big whoop. I will say that what I do and helps me is every trip, I make it a point to go alone in my bedroom under some blankets for complete dark, and it's therapeutic. Never not come out without feeling quite a struggle. More than a couple hours seems rough. I imagine it's worth it though.

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