MCPON Honea Ask Me Anything Jan. 20, 2023, Starting at 2 p.m.

When I was an evangelical Christian in high school and college, I didn't understand how it was fair that homosexuals could kiss and hold hands in public, advocate for gay marriage and adoption when God is so clearly against homosexuality, have gay parades IN PUBLIC OMG, etc. Why were these people, who were clearly wrong in their beliefs/actions, allowed to push their lifestyles onto me against my will (by not staying out of public sight when they were being their gross gay selves). In hindsight, I was being pretty ignorant and bigoted.

Put another way: the feelings of "persecution" that I felt as a Christian were actually feelings of frustration that I couldn't force everyone else to believe my way was right. Nothing those weird creepy sinner gay hell-bound people were doing had any actual effect on me, I just didn't like that they were allowed to do it and I couldn't stop them.

Not saying this is you, but something to think about.

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