MD’s blog post from a few years back on the Libby Zion Law controversial?

The FAA made regulations bc they found pilot fatigue contributed to crashes. Also, I believe that many, if not most airline pilots in the US are unionized. I’m thankful for these regulations that are enforced by the FAA and asked for by the pilots- who would you rather be flying your plane through a storm- a well rested pilot or one who has been up for 24 hours, and is already jet lagged with 5 hours of sleep the previous night? While im not sure the general public is aware of pilot test requirements, they certainly aren’t aware that the surgeon doing grandpa’s emergency bypass has been up for 24 hours either. I also think that physician fatigue isn’t looked into as being as much of a factor when medical errors are made vs when there is a plane crash.

/r/Residency Thread Parent