Me [21 F] with my sister [21 F] and her boyfriend [22M] of 5 months, how can I tell her she can reject his proposal if she doesn't want it yet?

I fiercely regret not warning my best friend when her sniveling shithead of a fiancé told me he planned to propose. I just cried instead, worried to death she'd feel sorry enough for him to say yes. Well she did say yes, and died engaged to that worthless sack of shit, still trying to find a way to "let him down easy".

This freak show has only known your sister 8 months. Nobody sane gets married after 8 months. You'd have to be the world's biggest fucking idiot to yoke your life and finances to a STRANGER. Which is exactly who someone is to you after dating only eight got dang months.

You think this fiancé doesn't know your sister is so anxious and insecure she'd force feed herself Doritos? That's why he picked her. This dude is either dangerous, a moron, or a dangerous moron. Your sister could be the most amazing woman alive and a man would still have to be completely out to lunch insane to ask for her hand in marriage after eight months. I have cans of soup in my pantry older than their relationship FFS.

Sit her the fuck down and warn her.

/r/relationships Thread