Me [22 M] with my ___ [25F] 1 and half year, breakup situation...

Here's the post without the code format box!

So to start this post off, I have to write this down. It's killing me inside and I need to get this out.

I hurt so badly. I got dumped by this girl I was dating for a year and a half. We will name her Becka for the sake of this post. Our relationship started to go to shit during the last 3 or so months of our relationship. I didn't want to spend time with her, I was scared of committing. She previously cheated on me with her ex boyfriend. They dated for 5 years. So in the first few months of there relationship, I discovered they had sex and were talking everyday still. I found out from him. She only admitted it after I had 100% proof of this happening. Anyways I went on to date her for over a year. I actually loved this girl, even after how I was treated during the relationship.

She made me happy, she was everything I THOUGHT I wanted. I still miss her, We have only been broken up for 2 weeks or so. She is already talking to another a guy. I check up on it, even knowing that I shouldn't be torturing myself... So I want to ask what do I do? how do I get over this situation? I've had a previous relationship of 2 years, It was much easier to get over. But I can't stop thinking about her with this new guy so soon. Even after being treated like shit.

I would really like some help or guidance here... This is the most heart broken I've ever felt... I just had to get this off my chest. Thanks if read all of this..

/r/relationships Thread